for Sarah
Prolific; Highly productive, taking massive action to produce an abundance of value.
She works and walks with awareness that in order to serve she must pour from an overflowing cup.
And floweth from this profound cup is a woman who knows her worth.
Who graciously gifts me the opportunity to love her and witness first hand how prolific she is.
She is timeless. She is mana wahine with boundaries.
She is the presence of compassion in which truth radiates and disrupts the sting of shame.
Her touch is healing and her words redeem love. Her sunflower green eyes penetrate the dark.
She is poetry in motion. She is the wisdom of empathy in stillness and kindness.
For me growing up rehabilitation centres looked like women.
But she refused to be my rehab, instead she became home for me.
She defined safety for me. She revolutionised healing from beginning with her then flowing through me.
And just like Aotearoa, the first place to see the sunrise, we are blessed to be the first place to feel her impact that will light up the world and many generations to come.
She is prolific because to produce an abundance of value requires a heart of value.
- Mataio, 36, Christchurch, New Zealand.